Day 5- Displaying the page using HTML Module 3
HTML is the basic markup of the web. It is a standard of elements and attributes that browsers understand and can display on the scrren.
Every URL is unique for a website. HTML is the language for web page. Doctype tells the browser the version of HTML
Example of a basic html web page written from scratch
<!Doctype html>
<meta charset=”utf-8" />
<title>Module 3 Displaying the web Page</title>
<style type=”text/css”>
/* some styles go in here */
<script type=”text/javascript”>
//some scripting goes in here
<h2>Welcome to HTML, CSS, Javascript… The Big Picture……… Module 3</h2>
<h4>Basic Page without styling or Javascript.. ooops…. stay tune the website will become beautiful soon</h4>
<p> The tutorial is cool learning new concepts about the web. <b>Thank You Barry Luijbregts</b>
<iframe src = “index.html” width = “555” height = “200”>
Sorry your browser does not support inline frames.
<strong>Am displaying the content of this page on inside the frame!</strong>
You can view the source code by opening the browser tools. is a website where you can find out which browser support the HTML element.
The HTML document is saved with .html. This html file can be tested locally or hosted on a web server to view it anywhere in the world.
You can use a text editor like Notepad ++ or IDE(Integrated DEvelopment Enviroment like Atom, Visual Studio
There are free html browser live editors that can display the web page while coding on the platform for example
When you don’t want to code a webpage from scratch you can generate HTML text with a framework like
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